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Charity Giving

My Town Choir was set up in 2019 as a small business. It has a number of remits, first and

foremost to bring the joy of singing together to people in our local areas. We also decided that we wanted to donate any money left over when we put on our concerts to help local charities. We thought that we would give you an update of how this has gone and who you have helped.

Total raised - £4,630

Charities helped:

  • Ataxia UK - Thames Valley Branch

  • British Heart Foundation

  • Chiltern Foodbank

  • Big Community Takeaway

  • The Stroke Association

  • British Red Cross

  • Parkinson's UK - Amersham & Wycombe Branch

These charities were all nominated by you, our members as they mean something special to you or they help people in the local area. Please do feel free to nominate a charity for any future events and we will add them to the list.

Bob & Jo.



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