Welcome to our Out Of Town For The Weekend live report. We will be posting photos and updates from right here in Cookham.
If you have any photos that you want to share then email us admin@mytownchoir.co.uk
Last night we started with pizzas and a table round quiz (but of course I forgot to take any photos!)
Saturday started with a great breakfast which will power us up for a busy day.

Session One

Session Two

Sessions Three and Four
Saturday afternoon was lead by friends of the Choir Jenny Saunders and David Morris. They worked on another piece by Rutter which came together really well over the course of the afternoon. We recorded the final run so will hopefully be able to share it on here soon.
There was also the opportunity to take a photo of us all together.

Saturday Evening
We were treated again to a fantastic concert by Jo, Jenny, David and Debbie who entertained us with a selection of pieces ranging from opera to Victoria Wood!

After the concert we all moved to the bar where dancing broke out but luckily nobody was hurt 🤣😂

Sunday Morning
This morning we were joined by the fantastic and energetic Alexander L'Strange who led a brilliant session on syncopated jazzy protest songs.
